Children & Worship
At Christ Church, we want our children to participate in worship with us. Accordingly, children are invited and encouraged to stay in our worship services with their families and participate as much as they are able. We offer age-appropriate materials, located in the entrance to the Sanctuary or in the entrance by the Parish Offices, to keep your children engaged throughout the worship service.
Children & Catechesis
We offer Children’s Catechesis to deepen your child’s understanding of and relationship with Jesus prior to our worship service at 9:00 a.m. Children’s Catechesis takes places on the first level in classrooms located off the hallway between the Parish Hall and the Sanctuary. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is for potty-trained 3-year-olds through age 7. New City Catechism (NCC) is for ages 8-12. We would love for your children to jump right into these classes and the best way to do so is by coming to an orientation night. Contact the Director of Children’s Ministry (contact info below), to schedule an orientation.
If you have not yet done so, please fill out this Child Intake Form so we can know how to best care for your child.
What is "Catechesis?"
Catechesis is instruction in the Christian Scriptures, practices, and worship. At Christ Church, we use a blended model of catechesis, using tactile learning methods, Bible lessons, Scripture memory, and visual aids for memory.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a “hands on” approach to the Christian formation of children (potty trained 3 year olds through age 7). It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. It practices a method that allows the child to pursue a contemplative, joyful, and prayerful life. In this class, the work of the child easily becomes meditation and prayer and has a strong focus on scripture reflection, the work of our hands, the beauty and restoration of creation, and the love of our Good Shepherd. Children gather in an “atrium,” a room prepared for them, which contains simple yet beautiful materials that they use. Our lead catechist is Amy Hughes.
You may be wondering how these materials help the Christian life of children? If an adult hears a beautiful passage from the Bible, the adult might take a Bible, find the passage, and read it slowly again and again. He or she may think deeply about the words and perhaps speak to God in a thankful or hopeful prayer. But a little child, too young to read, needs another way. In an atrium, the child can ponder a biblical passage or a prayer from the liturgy by taking the material for that text and working with it – for example, placing wood figures of sheep in a sheepfold of the Good Shepherd, preparing a small altar table with the furnishings used for the Lord’s Supper, or sitting in prayerful silence after hearing scripture read aloud. In the class, the work of the adult is to guide the child through these contemplative practices and to allow the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of each little one.
Our older children (ages 8-12) are engaged in the New City Catechism with lead catechist Jensen Kirkendall. The New City Catechism is based on historic protestant catechisms, such as the Heidelberg Catechism, and is well written with children in mind. This curriculum is a question and answer format that helps children study and memorize key passages of Scripture and doctrines of the Christian faith. We encourage parents/guardians to help their children memorize the questions, answers, and the short Scripture passage associated with each week’s Q&A. Additionally, we recommend the accompanying The New City Catechism: Devotional during the week to grow in our families’ knowledge of God and aid discussions in the home. In the class, the work of the adult is to guide the child through the doctrines of our faith and to allow the Holy Spirit to work in each child’s heart as they contemplate these deep truths from scripture.