This is one of two options for Adult Catechesis beginning on Feb 2nd. This course is 6 weeks long and will be from 9:15am – 10:15am on Sunday mornings. (Feb 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, Mar 2nd and 9th). Nursery will be available for children 0 – 4, and older children can go to Children’s Catechesis (CGS or NCC).
Taught by Fr. Kelly in the Vestry (the conference room downstairs) this introductory course focuses on illuminating the rich theological, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of global missions with a focus on the Anglican communion. The desired outcome of this training is that every Jesus follower in the Anglican Church in North America will be meaningfully engaged in the frontiers of missions, either by praying, welcoming, sending, supporting, or going to those who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To view the other Catechesis option, Sacramental Theology, click HERE.
To enroll in this course, please click the button below.