
What does it mean to follow Christ?

What is Foundations?

The Christ Church Foundations Course is...

…a 13-week robust overview of the foundations of a life devoted to Christ. It is instruction in “mere Christianity.” However, one of the better ways of describing the course is by stating what it is not:

The Christ Church Foundations Course is NOT...

1) …it is not a “New Members” course for Christ Church. Although everyone who becomes a member of Christ Church goes through the Foundations course, there is no expectation for those taking the course to become members.

2) …it is not a course in Christian apologetics. This is not a course designed to defend the truth claims of the Christian faith. Rather it is classic Christian catechesis: a presentation of the foundational teachings of the faith.

3) …it is not merely a discussion group. Conversation and discussion bracket each session of the course, but the actual time when we are all gathered is devoted to instruction from the catechist.

4) …it is not merely a course for new Christians. We cover some pretty advanced theology in this course as well as the foundational teachings of the faith.

5) …it is not simply a series of lectures. The course includes meeting weekly for conversation with other Christians, as well as at least one experience of Christian service.

6) …it is not just a course about Anglicanism, but it does operate within the framework of the Anglican Way of following Jesus.

7) …it is not boring!

Enroll Now

Our current Foundations Course will begin on Sunday February 2nd and will have 13 sessions, ending on May 18th. Please click below to enroll!

Have you attended a Discover Weekend?

If you are planning to enroll in Foundations, you will need to attend a Discover Weekend to get oriented. You can RSVP for our next one by clicking the button below.

Our next Discover Weekend in on Saturday, January 25th from 9:00am - 2:00pm.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Foundations will be held in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Church

Saturday, 1/25 | Discover Weekend
(a pre-requisite to taking the course; sign up above)

2/2 | Introduction & Turning Away
2/9 | Turning To
2/16 | Foundation of Christian Doctrine: The Creed
2/23 | Foundation of Christian Doctrine: I Believe…Jesus Christ
3/2 | Foundation of Christian Doctrine: I Believe in the Holy Spirit
3/9 | The Life of Prayer
3/16 | The Life of Prayer
3/23 | Christian Living: Pinch Points
NONE 3/30 | 5th Sunday Potluck
4/6 | Christian Living: Ten Commandments
NONE 4/3 | Holy Week
NONE 4/20 | Holy Week
4/27 | Christian Living: Ten Commandments
5/4 | Christian Living: Rule of Life
5/11 | Christian Living: The Sacraments
5/18 | A Critical Means of Grace