Our Mission
To welcome lost youth to Jesus Christ.
To root our youth into authentic followers of Jesus Christ.
To send our youth into the world for transformational ministry and mission.

Forming "Mature, Adult Worshippers of Jesus"
Research suggests more and more that teen religion sets the tone for the rest of life; that what we believe and worship while we’re still under our parent’s roofs sets the spiritual trajectory of our future. This being the case, we at Christ Church want to focus on forming youth as “mature, adult worshippers of Jesus” right now, before they leave the nest. This also includes ministering to families, as both scripture and research agree that parents are the primary reason for their children’s faith formation.
In order to facilitate our mission, the ministry to youth and families at Christ Church is focused on three things:
- Parental Discipleship
- Mentorship
- Peer-To-Peer relationships
When youth become 12 years old, they take the Foundations Course, which sets them on the trajectory towards receiving Confirmation – where they own their Christian faith as young adults. At this point, they join a servant team where they learn from a mentor how to serve in the context of Sunday morning worship. Finally, at age 12, they are invited to join our once-a-month, Friday evening Youth Catechesis meeting, where we put Acts 2:42 (the Apostle’s teaching, the Fellowship, the Breaking of Bread, the Prayers) into practice.
This ministry to youth is still in development, but we more than welcome questions and feedback.
If you have not yet done so, please fill out this Youth Intake Form so we can know how to best care for your student.