Foundations will be held at 1210 Bolton St in the Parish Hall (the right side of the building when facing from the street).

This fall we will be having another offering of our Foundations Course, a 7 session course in mere Christianity.The course is best described as catechesis in mere Christianity. For a more detailed explanation of what it is and what it is not, or to express interest in signing up, please click HERE.

This course begins on Saturday, September 7th and will run for 7 weeks (SKIPPING SEPT 14th), ending on October 26th. Each session will be on Saturday from 8:30am – 11:30am, with the exception of the final gathering (Oct 26th), the “Retreat,” going until 3:30pm.

Each Saturday gathering will begin with a shared meal. We then will do a short morning prayer followed by teaching.**Childcare will be provided after the meal, so if you have small children we invite you to bring them.**

If you have any questions about the course please feel free to contact Fr. Ben at Please click the button below to express interest!