How do I grow deeper roots in Christ?

Adult Catechesis

Christ Church has "Adult Catechesis" on Sunday mornings at 9:15am co-current with Children's Catechesis. Continued catechesis, or religious instruction, is crucial to being formed into Christ's likeness. Sunday School is not just for kids! While we do receive teaching in the form of a sermon each Sunday, there is much to be gained from focused attention on specific subjects.

We are continuing to develop courses in Christian Catechesis to help the body of Christ Church deepen their faith, theology, and practical discipleship to Jesus.

See below for details. Our Foundations Course runs for 13 weeks and is a higher level of commitment. The other options are six-week long courses.

Current Offerings | Feb - Mar

In addition to our 13-week Foundations Course, we have two Adult Catechesis options beginning Feb. 2nd. Both are six weeks long and will be from 9:15am - 10:10am on Sunday mornings. (Feb 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, Mar 2nd and 9th). Nursery is available for children 0 - 4, and older children can go to Children's Catechesis (CGS or NCC).

Please click below for more information on each course.

Anglican Introduction to Missions
The Foundations of Anglican Sacramental Theology
Foundations Course