Holy Week

What Is Holy Week?

During Holy Week, we recall and follow in the footsteps of Christ's final week before his crucifixion. This week begins with Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, which we call Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11).

The last three days of Holy Week are called the "Triduum," (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday) in which the practice of spiritual disciplines is intensified. Good Friday is traditionally a day of special devotion and total abstinence.

Please see the schedule below for descriptions and details of these special services:

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday | 10:30am

April 13th at 10:30am | Palm Sunday Service in the Sanctuary

Spy Wednesday | 12pm

April 16th at 12pm | Spy Wednesday spoken Holy Communion service in Chapel

Maundy Thursday | 6:30pm

April 17th at 6:30pm | Maundy Thursday service in the Sanctuary

Good Friday | Seven Last Words | 2pm

April 18th at 2pm | Seven Last Words in the Sanctuary

Good Friday | Stations of the Cross | 6pm

April 18th at 6pm | Stations of the Cross service outside

Good Friday | Principal Service | 7pm

April 18th at 7pm | Good Friday Service in the Sanctuary

Easter Vigil | 8pm

April 19th at 8pm | Easter Vigil Service in the Sanctuary. Midnight feast to follow.

Confession Drop-in | Good Friday & Holy Saturday

Priests will be available to hear private confession and pronounce absolution on both Good Friday and Holy Saturday. For more information on the Rite of Reconciliation, please read this article HERE.